Homily August 25, 2013 21st Sunday of Ordinary Time

Posted in christian, Christianity, ecclesiology, inspirational, religion, scripture by Fr Joe R on August 20, 2013

Several weeks ago, we heard the gospel of a neighbor knocking at his friend’s door seeking bread because of the late arrival of guests. His friend gave him what he wanted only because of his persistence and the fact that he would wake everybody up if he didn’t give it to him. Today, we hear of another after hours knock on the door, but this time the Master of the house refuses to open it because he doesn’t know the person knocking. The visitor protests that he knows him and ate and drank with him, that he knew him in the streets, but the Master says even so he doesn’t know him. He is just some casual acquaintance, someone just passing by in the way of life. This door or gate is Jesus and is what he calls narrow, so small that only one person at a time enters. Each person must truly put on Christ literally to fit that narrow door. This faith, this commitment is so necessary. Whatever else we may do there is no other way than accepting Christ’s gift of Himself. In accepting Him we are able to have the door opened for us. Christ loves everybody, but if we don’t accept it then we have not accepted Him. This gift is not something we earn or can bargain for. It is a call to a relationship to a table where his body and blood become our food and drink. Our life becomes something new and active within a community of believers.

Christ’s gift is not meant to be a one time hit or miss thing. To be a follower is more than just a passing meeting on the road or occasional prayer or reflection. How truly spiritual or religious can we be if we have not the substantial food for the journey. How much have we taken His gift to heart and what have we done with it to make it a part of us and ourselves a part of him. Ironically, What we are and not simply what we do is what makes us known to Jesus. Taking His gift of faith and making it the core of our life opens and widens that narrow space we all have to go through. Life’s journey is not easy, and never was. Jesus came to show us the way to live a life. Each and everyday is important as we go about what to us might be simple, yet in the scheme of our life everything is important. In this way Jesus knows us and will open the door and say enter, come and stay with me.